jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Welcome to the blog

Aim of this blog

I've decided to create this blog as a form to keep track of my evolution as a player and also as a resource for other players as a learning tool. I'm not a pro but I like playing Magic and also I like writing so I think a Blog is a great tool for keep track and also for others to learn.

With that out of the way, the main purpose of this blog is to make write ups explaining a certain deck or archetype, its core strategies, the weaknesses and strengths of the deck and a bit of history of the deck/archetype if there is place to do it.

A bit about me

I started playing seriously/consistently every day since January 2019 in Magic the Gathering: Arena. I didn't start from zero, because I've had some prior experiences with Magic as a card game but never been truly involved until this year.

I consider myself as a flexible player. I like to play all kinds of decks and archetypes. I have no favorite solo color, but some color combinations that I like more are Grixis (blue, black, red), golgari (black, green), Temur (blue, red, green) and dimir (blue, black). Probably my least favorite solo color is white, despite that fact, I obligate myself to play all kind of decks to understand them and learn their strengths and weaknesses in order to develop strategies to beat them.

Structure of the deck tech

  • Archetype/deck concept: overview of the deck function and how it wins.
  • Building the deck: explaining the cards the deck uses and why them and not others.
  • Deck/archetype evolution: track the origin of the deck and how it has evolved through different set releases.
  • Deck variants: Possible paths for the deck to evolve or adjust to the meta better if it changes.
  • Deck/archetype strengths/weaknesses: Dive into the weaknesses of the deck and also in the strengths of it.
  • Sideboard choices: sideboard building and explanation of the cards that are included and general tips to use the sideboard.
  • Gameplay: I'm not sure on this last part, but I'm going to try to upload gameplay of each deck playing a traditional constructed event run on Arena.

Schedule of posts

I'm not sure if I'll be able to post frequently due to I have really bad job schedule in my real life job. However, I'm going to start by doing just one post per week, because I think doing more can be really difficult as I mostly play on weekends so I don't have that much sample to think in sideboard guides.

What to expect next

Right now I'm planning doing 3 posts covering the 3 decks that qualified on the Mythic Invitational Qualifier of the weekend of 26th-27th of October that were outliers and performed really well. Those are:
  • Antonino's Rakdos Sacrifice
  • Edmvyrus' Azorius Control
  • DftLeonidas' Temur Reclamation
I'm already doing the Temur Reclamation article.

Hope you enjoy the content and learn about Magic the Gathering!